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What is the current price of aitx stock?

The current price of AITX stock is 0.0159$ as of 2022, April 06, Wednesday, and according to our statistics, the asset price has been declining over the last year (or since its inception).

What happened to aitx stock?

The AITX stock price has staged a strong recovery in the past few days as a short squeeze emerges. It jumped to a high of $0.011 on Friday, which was the highest level since September 29. Shares have climbed by more than 85% from the lowest level this year, giving it a market cap of over $57 million. What is AITX and why did it soar?

Is aitx a good stock to buy?

There are no expert forecasts for AITX, as the stock is too small to attract much attention from finance professionals like fund managers. AITX trades on an ‘over the counter’ exchange, which makes it more difficult to analyse than a bigger company that you buy or sell on an exchange like the NASDAQ or NYSE.

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